Senin, 30 April 2012

Updated Showtime Media Center version 3.5.176

A new version for the Official Testing Build of the Showtime Mediacenter has been released.

A new version of the Showtime Media Player Official Testing Build has been released for Playstation 3. So if you want to try the new features of the app you can download now the version 3.5.176. As you should guess, this is not a stable version like the official 3.4, but you can test the new features like the continuous playback.

Changelog since 3.5.122:


Add support for continuous playback of all video items in a directory

This needs to be enabled in the video playback settings (default off)

Fixes #501
Fixed #530
Fixes #864
Fixes #875


Write logfiles to disk (in cachedir).

These logfiles can be obtained from ip.address.of.showtimebox:42000/showtime/diag


ps3: Switch memory allocator to TLSF

This is another attempt to fix the out of memory issues that has been plauging Showtime for quite some while.
So far it looks much better than when using jemalloc


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